Low EmiSSion farming: a conference at FAZI to present the results of two years of activity
On Friday 21 October, on the occasion of the FAZI, Promocoop Lombardia and Fondazione CRPA are promoting the conference entitled “Improving the profitability of livestock farms with a view to sustainable development” which will focus on the results of the Low EmiSSion farming project
The project, carried out with the contribution of the Lombardy Region (EAFRD – Rural Development Program 2014-2020), has come to an end. The project aimed to disseminate the information and innovation available regarding the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) and ammonia emissions from the Lombard agricultural sector, with particular reference to the breeding of dairy cows and pigs.
The meeting will be an opportunity to present the results obtained in the two years of activity.
3.15 pm
Registration of participants
3:30 pm
Welcome greetings and opening of the conference
Cecilia BALLETTA – Promocoop Lombardia
3:45 pm
Formulation of diets with high nitrogen efficiency in pig farming
Sujen SANTINI – Comazoo
Introduction of good practices to reduce the environmental impact of dairy cattle farms
Maria Teresa PACCHIOLI – CRPA scpa
4:15 pm
Discussion with the participants