Contrasting antimicrobial resistance: a conference at FAZI for the correct use of the drug
How is antimicrobial resistance counteracted? How to manage the contrast drug?
Antimicrobial resistance is becoming an extremely important public health problem and farmers are called upon to manage the drug carefully and consciously, using it when strictly necessary to ensure the health and well-being of the animals. In this context, the obligation, from the end of January next year, of the Electronic Register of Treatments and Selective Drying is included.
On Sunday 7 November, at 10 am, on the occasion of FAZI 2021, ARA Lombardia, ATS Brescia, University of Milan and Coldiretti Lonbardia promote the conference entitled “Correct use of the drug and contrast to antimicrobial resistance” which will provide adequate information on the phenomenon of antimicrobial resistance, on the correct management of the drug and dry conditions, indicating which tools are available to farmers and how they should be used best.
10:10 AM
Greetings and opening of the conference
Mauro Berticelli, ARAL
10:20 AM
The pharmacosurveillance system
Antonio Vitali, ATS Brescia
10:40 AM
The Electronic Drug Register
Laura Campana, Lombardy Region
11:10 AM
Contrast to antimicrobial resistance and selective dryness
Alfonso Zecconi, University of Milan
11:40 AM
The management of the dry period: efficiency and environmental sustainability
Luciana Bava and Maddalena Zucali, University of Milan
12.20 PM
Discussion and closing of the proceedings