Fiera Agricola Zootecnica Italiana
È la manifestazione dedicata al settore primario, attrezzature agricole e zootecnia in programma dall’1 al 3 febbraio al Centro Fiera di Montichiari (BS).


Fiera Agricola Zootecnica Italiana

Ecological transition, renewable energy, innovation and research, new professional skills. These are the key themes that will animate the round table entitled “Transition 4.0: training and research for an increasingly green agriculture” promoted by Coldiretti on the opening day of FAZI 2021.

The appointment is for Friday 5 November at 2.30 pm in the Pedini Room (second floor, central entrance).

Speakers will be Mariastella Gelmini, Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies, Ettore Prandini, President Coldiretti, Fabrizio Sala, Councilor for Education, University, Research, Innovation and Simplification of the Lombardy Region, and Catia Bastioli, Ad Novamont.