Fiera Agricola Zootecnica Italiana
È la manifestazione dedicata al settore primario, attrezzature agricole e zootecnia in programma dall’1 al 3 febbraio al Centro Fiera di Montichiari (BS).


Fiera Agricola Zootecnica Italiana

As part of the 92nd Italian Agricultural Zootechnical Fair, the second edition of the ANCI (National Association of Italian Rabbit Growers) was held.

Large and high-level participation of breeders from all over Italy. In Montichiari there was also a session of practical exams for the training of new experts of the Cunicola breeds, currently in the 1st class. At the end of the event, as usual, the exhibitor breeders’ awards were held, in the presence of the director of Centro Fiera Montichiari Ezio Zorzi, the president of the National Association of Italian Rabbit Growers Sergio Pompa, the councilor ANCI Paolo Giacomelli and the director Michele Schiavitto.